New Digital Technology In Medicine: Ethics CPD Courses
Where medical technology is developing faster than ever, it is the ethics around these advances that is the focus of these courses.
The vehicle of ethics CPD learning is perfectly positioned for professionals in practice who are interested in how their work-life, patient interaction and personal expectations for the future may appear.
Interest in AI and engaging content
These learning modules are targeted to those who have a general interest in Artificial Intelligence in medicine and who wish to thoughtfully engage in the learning material.
Novel AI-based Tech and BioEthics
The aim of the content is two-fold. To reveal novel advances in AI and technology, and then to impart a sense of genuine competence around applying philosophical logics and theory to these advances.
Topical Information Covered
Just a few questions and topics raised in the ethics CPD courses for medical professionals include:
- Artificial intelligence and its application in the medical industry
- App user agreements contrasted against doctor informed consent
- How companies, which are normally not associated with medicine, are making moves into the medical field e.g: Amazon, Apple, Google etc.
- Self-service screening using mobile technology and internet services to achieve healthcare access
- The new ‘digital phenotype’ – using technology to self-monitor, track and create the new overview of the phenotype in the digital environment
- Doctor on-demand services using the internet, tele-medicine, Whatsapp and social media
- Chat bots in medicine and trends regarding human-bot interactions in medicine
- Risks associated with Language Models, particularly applied to the medical industry
- Buying medical services using crypto-currency
- Storing medical information on the block-chain
- The block chain and medical ethics
- Privacy, confidentiality and ownership of data