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Digital Medicine and Technology Advances – Ethics CPD Courses
Source: Created in collaboration with AI Software Magic Studio™ New Digital Technology In Medicine: Ethics CPD Courses Where medical technology is developing faster than ever, it is the ethics around these advances that is the focus of these courses. The vehicle of ethics CPD learning is perfectly positioned for professionals in practice who are interested…
Technology in Medicine
Technology-based medical content. Ethical considerations for the future of medicine.
Accredited Ethics Points
HPCSA Accredited bioethics CPD for continuing professional development. Cross – disciplinary. All ethics points housed in one place.
Worry-free CPD
Stress less, ALL your accredited CPD points for ethics are right here! Plus, this content is actually interesting.
Why medical AI Technology and Ethics CPD?
Why Medical AI and Ethics CPD? I see a world where technological advances in medicine are approaching at an ever-increasing rate and the ethical questions around these medical innovations are complex. At the same time, I recognise that medical practitioners, of all kinds, are mandated to get medical ethics CPD points to keep their practicing…