Chat Bots in Medicine and Ethical Considerations

CPD Seminar

90 minutes: This accredited online seminar is presented in a series of videos over four convenient lessons.

2 Ethics CPD

Earn two (2) Ethics CPD/CEU points. 

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Health professionals registered with the Health Professions Council of South Africa / SAMA will receive ethics CPD points for this seminar.  

CPD Course FAQ

ChatBots in Medicine and some Ethical Considerations

Introduction to NLP and current applications of ChatBots in the medical industry: 

New and exciting developments under categories: 

  • Admin and service
  • First consult
  • Mental Health consult 

Ethical considerations in wearable technologies:

  • Context
  • Review of the 4 bioethics principles, with each principle applied to ChatBots 
  • The use of ethics principles in a checklist format; assessment of new technologies against the principles of ethics 
  • Case Study:  Study of one particular disease using ChatBots:  accuracy of ‘diagnosis’ referral and most importantly, a focus on the bioethics principles
  • Introduction to the responsibility gap in technology

This seminar has been pre-recorded and is presented as 4 lessons.  In total, the course is 1 hour 25 mins.  

CPD / CEU: 2 ethics points 

Accreditation for this seminar has been received by the South African Medical Association (SAMA) for any professional registered with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA).   Easy Ethics CPD SAMA account number: BOO85/1.  The seminar accreditation number will be provided on the certificate of completion.

Course Included

This is one of the online seminars included in the special promotional offer.

The other seminar is: ChatBots in Medicine and Some Ethical Considerations (2 ethics points)

The online structured reading and MCQ test covers: Introduction to the four bioethics principles (2 ethics points).

The promotional package totals 6 Ethics points and can all be taken online. 

Email for more information.

Candice De Carvalho


  • Master of Science (MSc), (Med) Human Genetics (WITS), 2008
  • Master of Science (MSc), (Med) Bioethics and Health Law (WITS), 2011

Presenting at PSSA


As the founder of Easy Ethics CPD, Candice focuses on the ethics of cutting-edge technologies in medicine.

Candice has experience in delivering CPD ethics talks at conferences and her greatest passion is to re-invigorate the healthcare industry with relevant and engaging ethics content that will both educate and inspire.

Before focussing on ethics, Candice co-founded a digital marketing agency and is interested in new technologies that both improve medical outcomes as well as medical communications.

Candice was selected for the first cohort of FUTURE FEMALES in 2018, beating out over 450 other applicants globally with her new business concept — which is the online CPD platform, Easy Ethics CPD.

Candice holds two Masters Degrees, and Her Masters research in human genetics studied novel genetic mutations in black and coloured South African cystic fibrosis patients and her Masters in applied bioethics reflected on the question: ‘who owns your genetic material?’.

In her spare time Candice can be found propagating succulents and is always in search of a new rare succulent species to add to her collection!


If you would like to get in touch with Candice directly, call her on +27 (0) 824025774 or simply email her on

Save 32% on the 6-point Package

Buy 3 CPD courses and earn 6 ethics points.


Before you check out and pay, you will be asked to fill in a registration form. This will include the details that you wish to appear on your ethics CPD certificate.

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Presentation slides from the course.

Ethics lesson from the course.


"Thank you Candice. This has really added value to my CPD from and ethical point of view. It has also really opened up a whole new dimension of applications in our practices"
"Thank you So So Much! Keep up your good work!"
"Thank you for a most interesting presentation"
"Thank you for making us aware of futuristic trends"